When: March 23rd
Bid Fee: $250 per team *If you are sending more than one team please email us for discounted pricing. If the weather cancels the event teams will be refunded $125. *
PAYPAL or CC: Click the ‘Submit a Bid’ button below.
If you need to send a team check that is fine. Checks must be made out to ‘Ultiplanning.’ If you need an invoice email us at ultiplanning@gmail.com
Where: 101 New Mill Road Oaks, PA 19403

Mixed Teams (Club, College, Alumni)


Hucktastic 2025

Join us for the 20th anniversary of the Hucktastic Ultimate Tournament at the newly-ish minted Jefferson University (formerly PhilaU)! Over the years, Hucktastic has become a beloved tradition, fostering Spirit of the Game (SOTG) and team camaraderie, and this year will be no exception.

The Open Division offers an exciting opportunity for teams to showcase their skills, connect with one another, and celebrate the vibrant Ultimate community. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, Hucktastic 2025 promises to be bigger and better than ever—don't miss out on the fun!


Teams & Seeding:


  1. Pull It Club

  2. Scranton A

  3. Jefferson

  4. Arcadia

  5. Sacred Heart

  6. Adelphi

  7. Radnor HS

  8. Scranton B

Pool Play

Games to 15.

1 hour 45 min round times
1.5 hr hard cap

2 per half

Each team will be scheduled 4-5 games on Sunday.

Sponsors and Prizes Provided by: